Thursday, April 28, 2005

Corrections Corporation of America (ticker CXW) ignores requests for religious vegan diet

On Friday April 22, 2005, Keith Maydak was transferred into the custody of Corrections Corporation of America ("CCA")(NYSE: CWX). He immediately requested vegan meals for religious and allergy reasons. The inmate handbook states, "request for a religious diet or no meat alternate must be submitted to the Chaplain. This request must include religious preference and dietary needs." Nevertheless, CCA has refused to provide Maydak with the requested vegan meal. The following text is a FAX MEMO sent to the warden:


DATE: April 26, 2005

FROM: Keith Maydak, # 04904-068

TO: Robert Tapia, Warden via facsimile 1.330.746.3318

cc: CCA Corporate Headquarters via facsimile 1.615.263.3140

RE: Not fed since arrival on April 22, 2005

Since arrival on April 22, 2005, CCA has failed to provide me vegan meals which I can accept. Both medical and chaplain staff ignored my requests: my requests, complaints, and sick call slips. The officers have been calling, but nobody will respond. The food service manager states that she can provide the meals easily, but is not allowed to do so until somebody approves it. I already have ongoing litigation about this, and I would prefer not to add CCA as a party. The attached injunction demonstrates my meal requirements, to wit, no milk, no egg, and no animal flesh. In addition, a simple Google search will reveal that I cannot accept animal products (search for Maydak and vegan).

I trust you will look into this matter without the need for further correspondence. If I do not receive an acknowledgement, I will assume you did not receive this communication and my paralegal will send it again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an outrage!!! Letting a human being starve due to constraints on due process and one's ability to make a choice. This is sacrilege... No one should be deprived of the essentials of life and sustenance. Anyway you look at this, it is wrong and CCA should be ashamed of themselves!!! We must fight for our personal liberties or before you know it, they will all be taken away!!!

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your situation is not unusual here in Montana CCA is fighting Catholic prisoners over their right to practive their religious beliefs. Some Catholics have been forced to go without eating for over 40 days in an effort to convert them to the Wardens preferred relgion. They are not even allowed Bibles because the Warden has stated under oath that "Catholics do not read the Bible so they do not need one" They are not alloed to even write to a Priest or the Church.
I guess in CCA's mind there is only one God and that is CCA and only one religion CCA. And at leat here if you qustion it either on the inside or out you are not seen again.

11:17 AM  

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